G Squared Studios Blog

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

If there is one thing you should take away from our blog or any of our consultations, it is that your website is one of your hardest-working marketing tools. With everything moving online, everyone is searching for exactly what they need. Huge decisions are made in...

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Things to Consider When Designing a Website

Things to Consider When Designing a Website

It is no question that in today’s day and age, a website is essential in reaching new customers. In the grand scheme of things, your website is simply one piece of the marketing puzzle. To have an effective marketing strategy, you need to be everywhere your potential...

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How Web Hosting Can Affect Your SEO

How Web Hosting Can Affect Your SEO

Web Hosting & SEO Many business owners don't realize how important their web hosting platform can be for the success of their website and online presence. Your website needs to run fast, but it also needs to be optimized for search engines. Website speed is a...

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Why keyword research is an important step in SEO?

Why keyword research is an important step in SEO?

Whenever the topic of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes up, the follow-up question that emerges is the keyword research. Keyword research is considered as the first and most fundamental part of starting a successful SEO campaign. Let’s dive in to see exactly why....

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5 Efficient Ways to Find Elusive Local Influencers

5 Efficient Ways to Find Elusive Local Influencers

Not everybody rules a massive corporate empire. Not everyone can hold the reins of global e-commerce businesses. And unless you belong to the aforementioned group, then chances are, your marketing strategies are mostly geared towards a local target audience. It's cool...

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