Elev8 Fitness Website Design

Elev8 Fitness Web design in Knoxville

Elev8 Fitness Website Design Project

In partnership with Denver T Stevens Creative, we design & built the website for Elev8 Fitness. They are an online fitness and training website centered around training via your tablet or mobile device. Our collaboration created a truly unique experience with strong visuals, and a clean user-friendly layout.

Elev8 Fitness Website Design

For the home page, we wanted to make sure that we used strong imagery that combined the different aspects of Elev8 and their programs. It’s important to know that they are an all inclusive online support and training program.

one on one training page

Bold messaging, bright colors and high energy were important factors in every element of our design.

Packages page

Even the pricing tables contained elements of the brand. Customers can purchase packages here, depending on what they need.


Even the contact page makes you want to get up and get moving.



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September 3, 2015